A Cold, Dark, And Out Of This World Night.

On a cold day in the fall a kitten appeared under a car outside. Several cats watched her from inside their home dumbfounded as to where she had come from. She was so small and tiny there was no way she could have gotten there on her own. They looked at each other with puzzled eyes and said "well at least we won't have to deal with that creepy kitten." As soon as the cat's thought they were safe they saw their owners bring the kitten in and start to clean her up. The kitten looked at them with wide creepy eyes..they all scattered in fear. Later on that night while their family was fast asleep they saw that the kitten had gotten up from her spot. They went on a search for her.. they found her with the family's black dog Betty doing strange movements they had never seen before! Suddenly the room turned green in color and the kitten and Betty were talking to someone or something they couldn't see. So they peeped their heads in a little further and saw the kitten talking to strange gray men with bulging eyes and long creepy fingers. They were telling the men all about what happened that day and night in the family's home. The cat's were paralyzed with fear one got so scared he took off running catching the attention of the kitten, Betty and the little gray men! The kitten and Betty then asked the gray men what they should do now that they had been caught. The little gray men said "do nothing." Betty and the kitten looked at the gray men and nodded. The cat's were so scared they didn't sleep that night. The next day the family awoke to Betty and the new kitten snuggled up with each other on their bed and thought it was so cute! However, the cat's knew they were just playing it off and that Betty and the kitten had something different planned...they just didn't know what....